Moving App 2.0


MYMOVE LLC, a Red Ventures company, is a media company with unbeatable technology, data, and marketing expertise. We have an exclusive relationship with the USPSÂź that allows us to connect brands with roughly 39 million movers every year. We help the USPSÂź facilitate the official Change of Address process. Through this partnership, we're able to reach millions of movers at the most important point of their move. We help movers get unbeatable savings on products and services they need - and we help brands get in front of the right audience.


Lead Product Designer, Strategist

Methods and tools

Survey Feedback, Co-Creation Sprint, Platforma, Sketch, InVision


5 months (Content, Design, Engineering)


Jess Hall (Content Strategist), Oliver French (Designer), Andy Hartman (Product Manager), Kendal Robinson (Project Manager), Jean Anne Schmidt (Researcher), Tim Van Haren (Engineer), Adrian Johnson (Engineer), Dylan Swanson (Engineer), Andrew Vigil (Engineer), Nic Biddell (Engineer), Zack Jackson (Engineer), John Anderson (Engineering Director), Shweta Agrawal (QA Engineer), Vonetta Hamilton (QA), Ali Fern (Customer Experience Analysis), Dominique Prescott (Illustrator)

Moving App 1.0

First, discover how we got to 2.0

Our team set out on a mission to put the mover first by building a new product to help service their moving needs. Our initial MVP included an interactive pre- and post-move checklist, exclusive offers from our partners, the ability to update voter registration, a link to Allconnect to set up TV and internet, and helpful moving tips and articles.



There’s a lot that goes into a move, and we only scratched the surface with our MVP. Beyond changing your address and updating your voter registration, movers also need to shop for new furniture, research the area they are moving to, update their DMV info, book movers or a truck, update their utilities, and set up new TV and internet, just to name a few. For our initial MVP, our team was focused on speed to market and knew we could have done a few things better in our next version.


  1. Enhance selected MVP features. We learned a lot from our users through our survey and watching user sessions on Fullstory. We wanted to use those learnings to enhance our checklist, deals, and overall user experience.
  2. Create additional touch points for partners to help the mover. We wanted to display more than just a phone number from Allconnect to show specific TV and internet plans available in a movers area. If someone is moving to a deregulated energy market, we wanted to educate and help them choose an energy plan with Save On Energy.

Scope: Version 2.0 will include Auth0 authentication, enhanced movers checklist, a new deals hub (formerly known as offers), Allconnect TV & internet plans, Save On Energy plans, moving services from trusted partners reviewed by, and a new desktop design.



The team brainstormed several potential new feature ideas. Our long term goal was to build out an MVP of each feature, but knew we needed to prioritize certain features based on a low level of effort and high impact. These ideas helped spark some conversation and we further developed ideas in our co-creation sprint.

Co-creation sprint

Over the next three days, two Product Designers, one UX Designer, one Customer Experience Associate, two Engineers, two Vice Presidents, and one Content Strategist met and aligned on a strategy. Our goal was to enhance the checklist and deals hub, build new MVP features like moving services, TV and internet plans, and start new utility services, including energy plans in deregulated markets.

Day one
On the first day we defined our ideal state and any stumbling blocks that we may come across. Then, we broke up into two groups and put ourselves in the shoes of our users. We did an empathy mapping exercise to identify pain points our users may encounter in our app. Finally, we analyzed key problems and asked ourselves “how might we” solve them and grouped similar ideas into categories. Before ending the day, I tasked everyone to gather inspiration in order to inform their sketches for the next day.

Day two
Before sketching, we reviewed everyone’s inspiration. Next we did two rounds of sketching focused on TV and internet, moving services, deals, updating utilities, and what the user flow might look like with new features. We described and annotated our work, and voted on our favorite ideas.

Day three
To our surprise, after day two's second round of sketching, we were pretty aligned. Usually we refine our ideas on day three with one final sketch exercise, but we changed the agenda to whiteboard out some new features. I did some further refinement sketches the next day and reviewed them with the sprint team.


Following our co-creation sprint, I immediately started working on wireframes. Due to adding new features, our initial onboarding flow and home page needed to be reworked. The rest of the scope stayed intact, and I worked on additional screens for moving services, energy plans, TV & internet plans, and enhancing our checklist and deals hub.


Final design

Our final design took what we loved about 1.0 and made it better in 2.0. Voter registration, moving resources, remarketing emails, and most of the checklist stayed the same. Our efforts were focused on adding new features and changing the flow to best incorporate them.

Onboarding questions
Sign in / create account
Home page


The deals hub was one of our biggest enhancements. We built a new template that was responsive to various device widths. The template also included the ability to add a deal to a favorites list, digital wallet compatibility, and visuals for when deals expire.
Add to digital wallet
One of the biggest pain points is how many emails a user receives from MYMOVE or a partner. When deals are selected, they are emailed and mailed to each person. Often, these emails are hard to find, or the printed deal is lost or thrown away. We wanted to give the option to save to their digital wallet, to access easily in store or through an online cart.
Deals expiring soon notifications
Most MYMOVE deals expire between 30 to 60 days from the move date. Since there is a lot going on during a move, we built a way to notify if a deal was expiring soon. Web based notifications is still in the backlog, but in the meantime we set up an email campaign to notify the user.

Moving services
To validate our results, we used and Google reviews to display pros and cons about services and user generated reviews.
Allconnect TV and internet plans
Ideally we wanted to show all TV and internet plans available, a feature on Allconnect’s roadmap that we are awaiting to implement.
Choose Energy plans
We decided to add this feature to the backlog and link to Choose Energy plans before investing the time and see how it performs.

Selected desktop screens

Next Case Study


What began as an idea to compare apps turned into a recommendation tool for video streaming services like Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, YouTube TV, Netflix and more.